147 Comments for Hinchcliffe Stadium

Im going with soap dispenser here. :P
I remember going to the demolition derby here with my parents in the late 1950's and early 1960's. I live in South Jersey now and looking at these images brings back alot of fond memories. Thanks.
Bleacher creatures!
I thought someone said that it will be demolished.
Kempkes, I remember Bob Ross and his "happy little tree",lol. I wasn't really a fan of his do a painting in an hour style(drive through art anyone?) but he was such a cheerful little man.
Who the hell is the man with the cane???!!!, but nice to meet you.
That thing could only be one of the following two things: a hot dog dispenser or smoothie's... how did it got there is another thing.
Yeeee... there's another happy tree!!!.. but this one looks like the whole family!!!
I believe those grafittis belong to everyone that ever loose a game here in the past and now they feel some kind of twisted vengance against the stadium and relief like if the field they step in had the fault for their incopetence.
This is what Ross would have called "a happy little tree" growing out of the stadium blenchers!!!
Goood Eeevening.........My name is Alfred Hinchcliffe..................................
Its' lonely...
Ahh- the Alanthus tree - most definately a weed tree (from China) - But I like 'em !
Sort of a city-type thing.

I have taught myself to view weeds in a whole different mind-set.
Sure, as a gardener, they can be very frustrating. But one should learn to understand them.

And theres' no such thing as too much weed.
Little like the mausoleums of Laural Hill (Phila.)
How pleasant ! A Brustletop !