992 Comments for Plymouth County Hospital

Just a moment, I need to wrap up this sandwich...
Something from a nightmare.....
Take the stairs, folks.
My grandpa's using a bed just like that in rehab right now. Luckily, his room isn't Pepto pink. (That would irritate him to no end.)
What the hell is "Bowl Cut"?
first off...this place IS NOT haunted in any way,shape or form that i saw.

me and the leader of my team walked through a few nights ago and it was creepy as HELL but no ghosts,orbs,appirations,spirits,demons or even racoons accosted us or where seen.
its the scariest place i've ever been. if you go don't talk to the ghost walking the dog...
i went there like a week ago its still there and its not all that scary i mean ya it is dark inside but bring a flash lite
my airsoft team is planning on playing here and where going to it this weekend yea its creepy but ive played airsoft in creepier buildings that this :)
Dark or not still an amazing shot!!
Yeah i've been recently too, everything is boarded up but yesterday there was a backhow and a lift thing out back by the smokestack. Does anyone know if they're going to tear it down? Also yeah i've had a couple of wierd things happen too, batteries that suddenly die, camera won't focus, can't get lighting right. All sorts of wierd stuff. I haven't ventured in yet, and right now i don't really plan to.
I went there the other night. Its 15 minutes away from where I live. It's still standing. A group of kids decided to explore it a few months back, then set it on fire. Without knowing how big the place actually was, they trapped themselves in one of the winding hallways and the cops ended up showing up. So they boarded up all the doors and windows on the first floor.
well thats welcoming
According to my ex-girlfriend trapezes like this aren't used these days because it's too easy to damage an arm lifting yourself up on one.

I see no-one's commented on the odd shaped light fitting yet.
I don't know why...I really like this picture, it's comforting for some reason, but I can't explain why.
I swear I dreamt about this place before... Wow.. =D