4,081 Comments for Norwich State Hospital

Great gallery as usual Motts. Please stay safe in your adventures.
And that's why I have a deep respect for what you do. These are not places for amateurs to be spelunking in. These are dangerous structures that can kill you DRT (Dead Right There). Your experience will keep you relatively safe, but you never know when that floor, ceiling, stairwell, or wall will give way at the worse moment. Be careful, Motts.
I think the buildings are just going to be leveled. There's a construction fence up already.
It's so fascinating that nothing more that time & moisture can dismantle a once mighty building. Very humbling.
Looks like my old college dorm room.
Surprised by the advanced decay here after seeing the basement.
I totally agree AD Nilsen; without any knowledge of its history the tales that could be woven around this building would/could be amazing...
the building is beautifully symmetrical. Great shot Motts :-)
Great photo's! Are there any plans for this place? Debbie, did you forget about me? Om hoping to get to Florida this winter to do some exploring.
Those are chicken brooders. After eggs are hatched the chicks are put in the warm brooders to grow until they are stable enough and large enough to live without the heat source.
Solitary confinement for 3 months!!!!!!
To the stockade and then walkthe plank!
I just Google Earthed it and for an old hospital, it has a huge campus!
Awwww cute......its like wishing the hospital and its deceased patients a Merry Christmas once again.
Ha! I forgot about this. A friend and I put this up a couple weeks before Christmas that year. We wrapped some garland around the staircase handrails in the theater too.