4,081 Comments for Norwich State Hospital

Holy cow. I expect to hear singing, just looking at this. Wow.
Wow! What a find! Love all of the moss.
I don't think those seats are going to stay in good condition for very long, by the looks of the ceiling tiles. Thank you Motts for posting yet another beautiful set of photos before these places are completely demolished.
Acoustic panels maybe? Looks like speakers hanging near the stage. Yeah, LucieLou, that IS a cool clock! It sure is nice not to see any graffiti.
Thanks Motts!
I think they just rolled up against those pedestals, which may have served as a "desk" for keeping score.
Man, that's freaky, with the tilt and the angled supports by the windows!
I really like these "before & after" shots.
Thank so much Phiftybuick! I dont know why i didnt make that connection, DUH! Guess that picture on the wall threw me off....Didnt look like a gym or work out area.
TWO soap dispensers!
I think our hospital here still uses one like this......it looks a little familiar.
Yes, i agree, nice paneling and a wall clock too! Thanks ever so much for giving us another new gallery to help us get through the chilly winter months. You are just too cool! :)
Wonder how many times the ball didnt make it to the holder and fell off on the floor?
If some of these where from the patients, they were not bad at all! Would of loved to have seen these! Wonder where they all ended up?
Yes we are! But, just wondering if it originally read * You Dont Exist* maybe someone was trying to reaffirm in their own mind, that they DID NOT
SEE what they thought they saw.
It was a punching bag. This one's minus the bag. Boxers use these to train with.
Reminds me of an old clinic where they would draw blood and this was where those who got woozy would lay for a while.
One for lectures and one for films perhaps