4,081 Comments for Norwich State Hospital

The building I work in used to have marble very similar to this covering the entire first floor (walls and floor both!). They decided it was too much work to maintain (because cleaning it yearly was too hard?), so they covered it with drywall. The biggest insult: They did a fake marble finish on the drywall!
from a new Mott head...wonderful site!
being that this was not a real hospital but a mental inst, from the size of this thing its not built like any autoclave i ever used. even the big one they used at the tb bulding years ago that i saw. this can't be an autoclave.but it could just be a locker for kitchen equipment to keep them out of the pt's hands. if this was in the kitchen
Poor Lynne, your eyes must be rolling around in your head by now from all that banging!
AND to fit that fabulous fireplace in!
Yeah...we were going to fix the hole she made from banging her head there with a drywall patch, but that obviously wouldn't work out....So we decided to fill it in with a durable rubbery substance, so there would be less need for the helmet and so we can preserve those EVER SO USEFUL brain cells of hers! ;0)
[Pssssst! That's where I bang my head against the wall in frustration!]
See? I'm not the only one with "emesis basins" on the brain! 8`-)

Yes, aren't those tiles fab? I wish they didn't cost an arm and a leg - it would be swell to figure a way to put some up around the house. Course, then you need a big ole mansion to go along with it. :-(
Those tiles are absolutely GORGEOUS! Thanks for the link, Lynne! :0)
Wonderful shot. Hey what's up with the pristine patch on the wall? No paint peeling on it, and it looks like it was just painted yesterday.
Thanks Lynne.....I always wondered how hospitals kept mattresses disinfected, and now I learned something about it!
Hi there, ~Me! :-) Looks like it's probably a radiator cover....
Yes, the shots of this room are really good Mr. Motts. The colours and clarity are wonderful.
Zwheels that must have been so sad to see.......

Lynne honey are you two-timing me with Barbara?? LOL
Wow, it's really different to see the bedding still there. It actually looks almost "clean"..... *gag* well okay sort of.