I dont get it. Where did the radiators go? Seems hard for someone to steal something thats caged in
There are a few large forensic hospitals today which house people who have committed violent and horrific crimes that are so advanced that seclusion rooms are very seldom used. Feces are not thrown in anger...It is sad that there was not the same knowledge of therapeutic ways to interact with people with criminal backgrounds (and other psychiatric patients) that there are today. It is sad that such barbaric methods were resorted to because extreme isolation makes mental illness worse. It is my hope that one day seclusion and restraint won't be used period anywhere including schools. They are not necessary today.
Lead paint asbestos not to mention PCBs in the light ballasts and posibly the caulking
i believe the reference to the 360 degree shower meant the water hit you from all sides as in a 360 degree circle not degrees of temperature.
That smiling sloth is the safety outlet.. When i grew up, in the fifties, there were no mixed faucets, and we filled the sink to wash hands. Ahhh memories. Nice!
Our hospital is now sitting empty here in Vermont. As I look at this I wonder how many 1 to 1 chairs were left in a similar fasion in our hallways when we retreated from the flood.
Somebody's last 1 to 1.
are you kiinddg me? a woman is dying in a HOSPITAL, while other citizens and what looks to be a COP watch this take place? even if he isn’t, still. wow. just wow
amazing. where are they (the artist) now?
well this answers my question lol :) wonderful find!
hey motts, were there any other creepy dental instruments around this room?
incredible!! <3
that title speaks a million words and yet leaves me speechless... its hard to explain the emotions that arise while looks at this photo. excellent work :)
do not want
It was the prototype for the Hoveround