Extremely creepy. I can see both the guy in the white lab coat as well as the image that looks like someone pressed his/her face against the window. (Like mentioned above).

*Runs away in total fear*
Poor little chair! I bet all of those lonely chairs you shoot feel really sad when you leave. :(

But this is an absolute amazing shot, Mr.Motts. Very cool.
Should have taken another pic with all the paint pulled away!
Extremely unsettling.

@Trancendental Medication: Gold.
Perhaps an accommodation made for a very large or very powerful,and dangerously insane long term resident?
love the texture of the wall and the colours
nice one Motts!!!
I see the guy too.. or maybe we are just both crazy?
there's no A.
looks like it says PETH
hmm... when I was in the nuthouse, I threw myself down the stairs they had in the ward they had initially put me in- needless to say I got put in the secure ward. Wah! In the secure ward, there was a black market in shards of glass... this shot just brought up memories : )
"Faces in the Water" by Janet Frame. Author was locked up for 7 years in the mid 40s- mid 50s. Lets ya really know what these places were like : ). I'm assuming, from the look of things, mental hospitals in New Zealand are pretty much the same as in the States...
This looks like where you go after attacking staff. I bet a few who went in here left as a corpse.
It's like trying to paint over a bloodstain and the stain keeps reemerging. All that peeling paint takes you back to that moment.
What happened behind this door? Do people really just walk away from this world and remain silent? The doors were really there to keep the narrative from escaping.
This shot's a knockout. As these buildings melt down, they reveal so many new layers. So many layers of information added by Motts as well. I'm listening to Harold budd as I scroll through these...and It's beyond riveting.