2,646 Comments for Clairvaux Tuberculosis Hospital

man I love this place
As always amazing! Thank you!!
urology or proctology
geeze even then they locked up the narcotics?
me too and I would like to take that too! Damn, there's a lot of equipment here that it's a shame it's just rusting away
ohmygosh I want that stuff
I get them impression from so much rust that this place is very humid
yea me too, I'm surprised a collector hasn't taken them
Why is it turquoise never seems to fade?
oh my god
looks like a cross between a cash register, adding machine, rolodex, teletype and thingamajig
Even in this state of decay they're beautiful
amazing as usual Mr Motts, thank you for sharing your vision with us!
I wouldnt drink water from there even if you paid me!
come on in and have a seat....the doctor will see you next :evil laugh: