2,646 Comments for Clairvaux Tuberculosis Hospital

This picture is bizarre. ...love it
It's still way cool! You don't find treasures like this very often.
Oooooh this is really eye catching! :D
I love that turquoise color.
It looks a little like a giant spark plug.
This is lovely. There are more colors here than you think. If you relax your eyes, all sorts of earth tones, rusts and shades of red and yellow become more noticeable. My eyes were following all the lines around the picture...and that brilliant green of the tree! Just smashing, it is. :)
The greens and yellows in this are superb.
This is really wild.
wow this is amazing
Add a few windows and you'd have something going.
they remind me of doors in a diner
I wonder why they didn't turn them into low income or really go all out and make them huge apts... The could've contiunued to use them as hospitals, they have some old ones still in good runningorder in Europe.
My doctor has a nice old wheel chair in his waiting room, but it looks like the one they were rolling FDR around in on Annie
I love the way its all white... really earie
For me, it looks like a silent forest on a snowy planet with a old abandoned starship in the background - note the odd-shaped massive structure, it looks like grey steel!