just think of all the stuff that has gone on behind those closed doors that nobody knos about its kinda sad but interesting
this looks like an old nurse uniform but its very creepy
i can imagine a child with tremors but a sound mind needing something like this. His feet can be set in, the chains strapped over the feet to reduce the involuntary movement, and allow the child to focus on his studies.

It's not all sicko horror-show torture time, people. People had good reasons for the things they did, it's only our medical advances that has made formerly-sane ideas sound completely barbaric. Imagine what our children's children will think of us and our medical practices.
Had pull-out bleachers like this at my old HS...
weird for me to think that the stuff we used were used at mental hospitals too...
Them pullouts were dangerous sometimes.
I was waiting for the morgue!
Very Interesting(:
looks more like a cash register or adding machine tape to me
even in the rehabs that conducts TC-(Therapeutic community) program uses the same concept of sisters n borthers in order to keep us away from the sexual urges. not to mention that the whole place is full of quotes written in wooden logs like

'' Act As If '
'' Winners Never Quit , Quitters Never Win ''
'' help is just a phone call away ''

damn iforgot the rest it been a while
looks like a little boy peeing with hands in the air
do you know where the wheelchair meeting is?
wounder if they picked on there a.v. geeks
All in all it's just another brick in the wall.All in all you're just another brick in the wall.
i was hoping the school had a hockey team :(
you could say the last show brought down the house
must of been a great day for person that climbed it there