505 Comments for Dever State School

These are called "Steam-Jacketed Kettles". As someone else mentioned they are used to make soup. You can also make sauces, cook pasta or masked potatoes etc. The ones in this picture seem to be in pretty good shape. Although I'm sure they are quite old, their design has not changed much.
Is that.....algae growing on the ceiling??
I know they probably had a bag under the chute, but doesn't it look like they paid some poor schmuck to wait and catch the incoming? (Eww!!! soiled again!)
what exactly is this picture of??
I was wondering if you found all of the patient records that were located near the cafeteria?? If so, I am curious to see what you thought -
Heheh, I knew you'd say that! This place might've been worse than Metro ;-)
I love this shot!
i told you.
It's not creepy like your other chair shots...but it has a touch of humor to it which is just as cool. Sitting and waiting...great shot.
I also love how you got the water tower on the right.
This shot is simply amazing. Not that i need to say it, but you are so talented and there really is something about this shot. It's amazing
Yeah, this tunnel is definitely creepier than the last tunnel.
Soup is the perfect food. You can make anything into soup. Even if you're down to bare essentials, chances are there's at least SOMETHING in the pantry that you can boil in water and convince someone to eat. I dunno, though, I find the assembly line attitude evident in the picture more than a little depressing.
I was gonna say, was that a wheelchair just for torsos or something? You can see what Lynne is talking about, though...if you look close you can make out where the rest of the attachments were supposed to go, I think.
It looks like the entire place has had seen it's share of water. This is a good shot, though. It's very hard to make random trash seem beautiful.