1,846 Comments for Linton State Hospital

There were bellows in back where one could push and pull a handle to "breathe" for a person inside.
The hood rose into the attic where I think it hooked into a cupola that vented outside.
looks like a thermometer to me....
0h ma gaWd. liKe a friend of MY mom's FrieNd's ex_CowoRKEr used to lIKe werk ther and ShE tolD meThAT they useD t00 CHAin Pe0plz to thAt thiNG and like TurtuRE them n' stuff.

Lynne....you forgot that there is always a friend that worked in those places.
Lynne, dear....I know we're just kidding...I don't have to have everything real clean....really...**dusts his-self off with anti-bacterial wipes**...no really....It's just my custodial side coming thru....ask my wife...she'll laugh first, then say..."HIM??? CLEAN EVERYTHING??? BWAHAHAHA!!"
ground control to major Motts
One of these guys has his nose out of joint!
Ummm... never mind.....
so what is it actually, apart from an ELO concert
people sure did take their dead bodies seriously back then...
I once had the pleasure of taking a nice warm bath in a room full of equipment like this. I had to use the normal bathtub though.
Is that a spirit you encountered while going into this majestic hospital? Poor soul couldnt bear the afterlife and has now returned to his trusty metal device.
LYke NO Way you allz have it like totally frickin' wrong, breakin windows isnt fun becuzzz If My Mommy found outs i was here andz I gotzzz arrerstered then I'd be grounded from the interents for lyke a week.
It's eazier to just lyke, say you'v been in there instead of being a ghay loooser face and going inzzzzz!

I live near Danvers, most people who claim to actually have entered lie.
What happened if you had to go to the bathroom or something? I mean, people couldn't have possibly lived in these things could they? If I ever had to be in for my whole life I'd be praying for a power outage.
I'm going to guess that's a Clove, or a very nicely wrapped joint?
Or I need new glasses and it's a normal one, but as PO said, "it looks to long to be one of those"