1,846 Comments for Linton State Hospital

I've been Looking around at all your pictures are great but I hope you kill ed that state bird of michgan before u left right. we have too many as it is already.
Looks barn NEW!
way too creepy
what in god's name is that?!
That's a chemical hood used for handling hazardous materials
Holy crap deja vu
Usually coroners determine time of death using liver temps.
TERRIFIC work, Mr. Motts. I'm so lloking forward to my ongoing explorations of Opacity.us, and your upcoming additions. Keep up the good work!
I'm not sure they did a carbon arc to xenon conversion on this projector, Art. You can see that the arc housing is still vented outdoors via the stovepipe "chimney" up top. (These projectors worked by striking an electrical arc between two rods of carbon, which would slowly burn away. The crank handle on the back of the projector was used to advance the carbon rods as they burned, and to maintain the arc in the focal point of the projector's reflector.)
Also, note the blue-gray box of NATIONAL-brand carbon rods still sitting on the projector base.
Nope, I don't feel the need to distort my reality.
i love this halway a perfect pciture to stop at for the day and come back later and look more.. i so wanna walk down this with ym friends and scare myself... i love it
HOLE I LOVE THIS PICTURE OMG..MY FRIEND WOULD FREAK FOR THIS PIC..she loves this place...so do i now..were going there with some friends
wait is this one of the buildings?..if so that is still very well together and pretty...
can you imagine visiting this place while under the influence of a hallucinogenic drug? Suddenly everything you saw would make sense and be frought with deep meaning.

Ever trip on one of your outings, Motts?