1,846 Comments for Linton State Hospital

its beautiful really motts but what exactly is it is what i want to know??
personaly i dont even want to imagiane the smell in here
Yep... you missed the part where in an amazingly short period of time they came up with a blood test so guys don't have to get the finger .... but women are still stickin their legs in the air and no one gives a shit.
Nope! You didn't miss a thing!
I went back and re-read the whole thing this morning, and man, so funny!

Ok, regarding cameras in the delivery: hell no! Who the hell wants to see that??? Unless it is for medical purposes, and is consented to in advance, why oh why? Eeeew ~shudder~ Makes me think of Epistomes and SitzBaths!

As for the guys being there... Yes and no. I agree that some guys need to be more responsible in this aspect, but then again, some chicks maybe need to be slightly more picky in who they let knock them up! I mean, if he doesn't look like he's going to be there to support you, having a baby isn't going to change that! Ladies: be picky when choosing a mate! Go for only high quality Dr.'s! :D

Still kinda bummed; nobody ever took my offer to shove a camera down my pants seriously... :(

Ok, regarding the ~ahem~ testing. Having worked in a clinic that specialized in reproductive organs, I can say beyond a doubt: pap smears suck. Mammograms suck. Then again, having some dude stick a finger up your butt while he fondles your testes and tries to make "small talk" isn't fun either. I agree, it is a sucky thing to go through. Then again, so is losing part of your body to cancer because it wasn't caught in time. I don't enjoy my yearly testing either (they have this one STD test where they shove a q-tip the size of my arm in... let's just say a very small hole), but I'd rather be safe and catch things early...

Did I miss anything? /end-minirant
> ; )
Now THAT'S funny! 8`-)
I have commented on other sites about the iron lung and the polio epidemic when I was a kid. It is interesting, though, to see the inside of one of them.
every on needs to own one but not be in one
Hold still this may pinch a little!... but it's very important that you dont move while I place your body parts in this acrylic vice to x ray them....
Oh wait I forgot a question....

Where is the Testogram machine?
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This is the funniest bunch of comments I've come across yet- I laughed out loud a few times! Some witty people here, with my kind of humor.
A little late on the uptake here, but don't knock kevin because he wants to know where the place is. If you go to the webpage that matches his address, it looks like he actually just wants to make use of something that's going to waste. He either works for or owns an automated laundry machine business.
God I want one of those....

Oh sh1t did I say that outload?