1,337 Comments for Middletown State Hospital

Great picture!
That sounds like a lot of trouble for you guys to go through, but I'm genuinely flattered by the idea!

I'm looking into a way of selling prints where I wouldn't have to print and ship them all myself (otherwise nothing would get done)... I just need to print some samples from them to make sure they look good enough, then code the links into this site. It's not quite a book, but it's something I could give in hard copy.
Well, Motts, I think you should publish a book too. I know that I would cherish such an item, forever.
As for money, if you don't feel like asking for it, what's saying we can't have a garage sale of sorts?
You know, all of us who support you, start up an e-bay account under all of us, and have all the money go to you, and we would send what we sold?
Pictures like these are worth sharing with the world. And I'd buy a couple of copies to give us special gifts. I know people who would love your photos.
I love these types of pictures. It captures the loneliness of the building. Beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time.
Wow. This is a great picture. The colors are terrific.
First comment,, Can't help but browse this awesome website for hours on end. I too would buy a book if it were published!! Motts,, I love the pictures! Keep up the good work!
I can't believe I am saying this, but I can actually see this as well. Kind of a ghoulish looking little girl, eh? Now I'll see this "face" every time I look at this shot.
Same here. Lemme know when it is going to be printed and I'll pre-pay for a copy.
Genius. What a unique and compelling shot!
Excellent shot. If you look to the right inside the doorway of the blue room, you can see a facial profile, with a hand under the chin. Of course it's just peeling paint - but it looks spooky.
For images like this - I think you would have quite a buying audience, including myself.
Wow, cool thanks... I don't like asking for money unless I'm really in a pinch.

I wonder how many people would buy such a book though, I might end up with a thousand copies sitting in my closet. Maybe I'll make a poll or something...
you should put up a place on your site for donations to get a book published..........i dont know if its something you want to do, but i know i would donate :-)
I'm not sure but I think sometime in the 1970's would be a good guess.
Man those floors look scary