1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

Pungee anyone?
That had to be one of the best movies. It was based off a true story too. doesn't that blow your mind? the people were just... gone and then when they took the medication they just... came back... but then it went away... its so sad.
I heard all that orb stuff is bullshit. no offense but I don't understand how that works. maybe someone could explain?
Mott's, I think I should get you a wheelchair for your birthday.
The thing on the right looks like a dead dog.
What does the wall say?
hmmm souverniers.
I'm not from a masonry family, but you're right, Psyc. They really don't make things like this anymore. Nobody wants to pay for the hand-crafted stuff that'll last a hundred lifetimes when they can go to Wal*Mart and get one that will last for a couple of years ... then buy a new one. It's a disposable society. Kind of sickening to the heart when you think about it.
The damage is caused by water seeping into the masonry , freezing and thawing over time just tears the brickwork apart.
Being a second generation mason i have to say that is a piece of art, notice that the inside of the firebox is done the same as the face, you won't see that in modern construction.
This Shot is beutyfull. I love the banister. Motts you have an eye for things i will tell you that.
I think the reason that such a beutyfull fireplace is there is because it would make the patients feel like that they were at home. It would proply com them some what.
Aha! Once again, thank you Sue! Now that I can look up information about this color by knowing its correct name, I also found the reference about the increased exposure to the color having the opposite effect:


(last paragraph)
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Sue! I have been looking for that reference for a LONG time! I should have remembered, living in the Seattle area in 1985 right after that study came out. And I had always thought the color was named for the color pink that is on the boxes that come out of bakeries. Well, whatdayaknow! Now I can call it by its rightful name - Baker-Miller pink! :-)
to learn about the study that determined the power of pink.... http://bacweb.the-bac....ms/baker-miller.html