1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

like the door to your nightmares...
k if was in that corridor i would seriously run as fast as i could........and.......jump through the window, i'd be too scared to turn any direction to see an axe heading towards my face.
ummm.. wel to me it looks like a start of a horror film where the screams come from...k i'm freaked out think happy things think happy things...oh crap!!!!
maybe thats where the screaming comes from when i imagined it through the vent on a different piccy. also yes i see the nurse that should belong in a japanese horror movie....
My first appartment was painted like this. There was a piece of molding at about 7 feet up and everything above it was painted white. I think it's from the time when we were more dependent on natural light. The white upper part made the room brighter and the colored lower part reduced the glare.
It might be just to save time and money... these ceilings are very tall, and the rooms are usually painted over and over again, so instead of lugging the 12' ladder into each room and paying for all the extra paint they just square it off.
As a kid I was scared poopless of this place, we'd drive by on our way someplace and it kinda has a greenish glow to it. Now I just want to go inside it, but there's the whole "got no balls" thing.
This might have been covered & I missed it, but why doesn't the color go all the way to the ceiling in most of these rooms? There is a clear line in almost every one of these that the color doesn't go past. Any idea why?
Where is this asylum? It looks great.
Skye: Woohoo!!! Alice Cooper fans unite!

Motts: great pic! I love how the edges of the walls are starting to crumble on both sides...
Oh yeah, I believe it goes "Dammit Janet....I wanna screw!!"
Still shows at midnight at the theatre 2 blocks from me! Good ole Atlanta!!
First time I went they didn't tell me what the drill was. So I was kinda pissed at first with all these chuckleheads getting up on the stage, blocking my view of the movie. :-)
Makes me feel escaped, alone and ready for new chances, and worlds.
It seems so open and free, I would actually love to be in an aylum if there was just one room like this. Its beautiful.