1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

i used to live across the street from this! looks like you weren't able to get in, huh. i mean, it's not abandoned but parts of it are, but security's hella tight there. i wouldn't even try though i've stories about it happening. i actually went to take a tour there once, but then found out it was only of the grounds and not inside of any part. grr. my cousin was in there for a while, hehe. i'm a psych major so i may look into working there someday. that's a great shot, btw, i've seen so many and this one's far more dramatic. most everyone calls it simply "the psych center", but the building is now formally known at "the richardson complex." sorry for writing a book!
Fabulissima! Congratulations au photographe, j'adore votre site, qu'il perdure, il le mérite !
The path to rehab, the floor is crumbling away, as if (from a 1st person perspective) your hopes and dreams are falling apart before your eyes.
This again reminds me of the mind of a mentally ill person, scattered thoughts, not ordered or indeed sane!
If you look closely at the stains on the wall, you can see a face, from the side, as if wearing a gasmask or perhaps covering one's mouth with a cloth? i don'tt know how rellevant that is but that's what came to mind. were old soldiers (supposedly crazy) condemned to life here?
It looks like an iron lung to me
Why would they even design this frightening door, the shape of the squares in the door are omnious, their not just basic but look threatening. The fact the door is at the end of an arched way.
I get like a nauseous feeling looking at this hallway. I can just imagine being dragged toward those stairs with the light. Its just very omnious or something.
Waits for Gandalf to appear into the hobbit door.
very nice archway. rather pretty for an attic.
This shot reminds me of the house i lived in when i was little. the entry way is similair.
Wow. looks like you could just stand there and the floor would spin. its very neat. like a weird sort of merry go round.
Pretty windows. i love the soft colors.
So relaxing just sitting there staring out the window. christmas decorations over the mantle....
I love the archways they are so pretty.