1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

I know not about agitating, but it certainly is nauseating! at least to me...
Thank God that our respirators these days are much smaller. I would never be able to fit that beast on the ambulance!
Many, MANY, and I do mean MANY years ago I was an inpatient at a facility for troubled teens. We did have a seclusion room, but it was so rarely used as to be almost obsolete. I never got put in there myself.
I love that color!!!!
if i was there i could just see me fighting over the blue or red chair....and the the opertunity of being ablt to sit in a colored chair was taken away from me, the i might go insane.

and that my friends is the reason i would be stuck in place like that!
is it just me or are som of thies rooms slightly tilted to the right??
i think i see a shadow figure in the archway....jkjk.....

sorry i couldnt help it

yet again that is one amazing shot Motts
Ha! Seriously?
I took some film photo classes before exploring abandoned places, but didn't do so well in them.
motts did u do a photography course or did u just pick it up along ur many journeys?
now look you lot u have scared the s**t outta me its 6.19am n i ent bin to bed cuz of people sayin spookies! :0(
Such a beautiful shot. It's good to know that such a beautiful place is not going to be destroyed.
I have to agree with Lynne on the whole medication thing. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
No; I suppose I don't pay too much attention to most graffiti.