756 Comments for Broadacres Hospital

it looks like it says this the best, I cant make out the other two words
It is kind of thought provoking: did the person who made the bed get it ready for a patient who never arrived?
Kinda spooky.
the top line says this is me--i cant make out the rest
Does anyone know what it says on the bottom of the chair?
I think some places I've seen on this site even surpass Danvers. What's sad is that we all seem to measure them up against it. heh.
Nah, there were so many!
Heh, nope I cannot read Braille, so I do not know what the book read. It did have a printed title, but I forgot what it was.
I work in an institution and the floor above my office hasn't had folks living up there for about 10 years and it's every bit as bad as this right up there because all the windows aren't sealed. Sometimes us lower floor luckies get the peeling pain effect from leaks and such (it's also quite humid here). Luckily we have a great new maintenance director who took care of the leaks so now the paint stays on our walls, but only on the floors where there is climate control. Surprisingly, it really doesn't take long for a place to look this bad.
I cant beleive this place was closed in 1996 and is in this bad of condition.
I wonder if the teenage girls had anything to do with this..?
This place does have a very DSH-ish feel to it.
While I was in Cuba (extremely spooky place) you could walk through random abandoned places and find chairs everywhere, in the middle of the room, in the middle of an overgrown yard, facing the corners of rooms, but I have to say one of the weirdest finds was one in the middle of an open bay shower....just sitting there. meh....All in all the whole place was sickeningly Session 9. hahaha
Hey Motts - do you read Braille? ;-)
WOW ! here's the clown that looks down from the clouds in the previous pic
where are all the people that see things in your pics? ? ? don't they see the face of a beautiful woman and a clown in the center of the clouds ?