576 Comments for Haverford State Hospital

I'm so jealous. I love to see places that are still intact with no graffiti. If the floor was cleaned up, you'd never know it wasn't in use.
Yep.. I caught him pulling some funky dance moves up there.
Holy sh*t! That's amazing and a scary thought...don't want to know what would happen to those few people. Great find Motts!
Incredible image. I'm awestruck.
Hey is that Gary on the roof ? lol
Jeez...if I didn't know better, I'd say this was [ removed by admin ]. I scouted this place out but the police presence was daunting, so I neglected to enter.
it's cool lord saeroth, that quote is quite true by the person who wrote it, an ex-patient. "SUCK A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN'S ASS"
I liked the necrobobsledding idea Bry had.
That bloods been there for a while. probly smashed glass viles we found. Punk kids must have fucked with them. I found about alot of people visiting this place then leaving.
belongs to us beeatch. I got there first niggra. dont make me shoot your red ass :-D
Send me updates of new pics man when u get the chance my e-mail is Necrofrost@gmail.com
Sorry about the other comments about the shooting u and all. lol I just didnt know this was your site man.
haha yo man!!!! awesome pics dude. Ill be back there soon with u Doom and Gdog.
Yo, are you guys with Gdog? If not ur not supposed to be in there :-) We own that turf lol. cool pictures anyway man.