5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

that walk way looks so twisted makes you dizzy almost like its alive like the "house on haunted hill" great shoots motts!!!!!!!
i agree with J.R. almost looks like a ghostly hand and fingers right!!! why didn't you take them
would love to tour that place!! it does look like blood and god knows what!! does anyone know the history /horror stories of bellevue psych hospital over on 30th and 1st ave in manhatten e-mail me with a site i can check the stories i work there and its now the single mens intake center for shelter system and they only let us go into only certain areas due to old creepy events i would love to see old blue prints or articles or good old haunted true stories.. or even actual true life events that happened, i love the mystery of the place it looks crazy scarey
Motts you run a very good site I am still working @ kppc on the grounds as a TA and people need to know to please STAY OUT OF THESE ABANDONED BUILDING BEFORE SOMEONE GETS SERIOUSLY HURT OR WORSE KILLED OR THE VERY LEAST ARRESTED BY THE NYS PARKS POLICE these a on the verge of collapsing
I Have some thing to say haunted soul I am a TA @ppc who worked in bldg 22 1988 to 1997 a a lot what you said about the therapy aides is WRONG you have good and bad in all walks of life P.S I donot drink amd I do not do drugs and also if people were being tourtured like you say the justice dept or known as the FBI would shut us down we worked with 3 tas on the evening shift on 1 RN for a census of 40 to 45 pts young psychotic people male and female and also drug induced from illegal drugs and unfortuanately you had to use restraints on these poor souls ,what would do if a patient started injurying other patients and staff you would not let him or her continuing doing it that would be patient abuse and you will would be facing charges immediately by the the administation and another question were you ever a TA ? or a patient here :? the staff were very caring @ kppc and no ne had sex with with the pts and if they did they were dealt with severley and terminated and charges would be pressed by the STATE and as far as stealing goes I never took anything from my patients and I still see some of them today and what you stated is WRONG AND A LIE
LMAO! This picture made me jump.
I've always wanted to get in, but nobody ever knew how... and now that I know that the tunnels are sealed as well, then that's that, I guess. I'm 900 miles away now...

Possibly a paper towel dispenser...?

Or an old light? **Smirks and runs for cover :D**
Sorry, WHAT did you say?
No hot water in britain????
Would like to know where YOU stayed!!!!!
sorry, duMbass!
James..........what are you doing on this site if you don't appreciate abandoned buildings? Go post some negative comments somewhere else.
This is 'dunbass' grafitti. Horrible
I don't think it should be demolished. Ok, signs should be placed in order to warn people as to its condition, but come on! If you're willing to go inside a place like this, you should always be careful and respectful. Irresponsible bahviour leads to accidents as everywhere.
I agree tootuncommon! Motts is clearly dedicated to documenting abandoned buildings before they rot completely or get demolished. He is also an artist. Whether or not he gets paid, or receives money, is irrelevant. He is passionate about his work like so many of us that frequent this awesome site. (continuously!)
Not everything in life is about money.
i live on the island ive seen there before but never got to go there =[
and trust me pumpkin princess. its not livable. go in and witness some of the creepiest stuff uve ever seen. just the writing on the walls is enough to scar a person lol