5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

There's always time for lube
Why do you dickhead Americans call it a bathroom?do you bathe in your toilets?grubby bastards
My friends older brother went to the Psychiatric Center once..I'm going next weekend with a couple of people & my mom, haha. My grandmother used to work in one of the buildings on the top floor as a security guard for the high-risk people or whatever. But my friends brother went to the top floor of one of the buildings and there was something that used to spin while it was connected to the electricity...supposedly it's still spinning. (And now my friends probably reading this and laughing hysterically, haha.)
Is it just me, or does the water damage look like a face? A bald man wearing sunglasses.
Well what the hell do you think is going to happen to KPPC? Repair itself?
CAS, im pretty sure he was just kidding, u just wasted your comment. 0_o
im actually not sure why i said that sceptics haha i guess I just wasn't thinking or something
Btw everyone, the power's been cut in 7 for a while now.
beautiful all the pics on the ws are amazing!
These buildinsare goregous.
we went in there a few days ago, went all the way up into the attic. took hundreds of pictures. we charged our phones before we went so they were fully charged...when we got in the building they went dead! very strange! i felt like there was deff souls in that building and its very scary even during the day. we went down a few flights of stairs on the way back down and there was a kid all alone in front of us and we said hey! and he ran down the stairs....but the way he went had a door that was sealed shut and welded shut....there was no place else he went but that way? can anyone explain that? then we decided to leave....
clrk... its near northport, just ask around, its weird in the place it is
I used to carry my cat around in a coffee can when he was a tiny kitten (and I was about 4! haha).
Quite the creepy picture.
Usually not too fond of pictures like these, but the skeleton looks so.. peaceful. As if "Muffins" knew he was going to pass away, and found a silent place to be alone to do so.