5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

wow that person ran so fast they blow there tread.
Poor old Bubbler as they call it here in Wisconsin see better days.
This room looks like my living room I'm sad to say
really good shots u captured what it was like to be there. I worked at hillside host and pilgrim
Hi - love the atmosphere in this photo :)
looks like the old northeast Nassau building. My mom worked there. I did much exploring in there. The basement tunnels were sealed with cinder blocks. I could be wrong though the building I am thinking of was demo'd around 1983. Wowzers
Wow, the aesthetic here is flawless
The architecture of this building is absolutely gorgeous! Honestly, I hope they never tear it down, it's a really cool place and such a big piece of the history of the town.
Well now I know...
Awesome awesome shots! Kings Park is such a beast, it's one of my favorite abandoned places and you've captured the creepiness of it so well.
Your photos are SO beautiful !!
Looks like the hallway to heaven
I took a tour inside this building and it's crazy how active spirits can be!
The area North of St. Johnland (formerly the Veterans treatment center) is a public park, so it's definitely legal to wander there. Here, along the boulevard, was always off limits back in the day, but it seems like there's no more security or police patrols when I last visited a few months ago. People were parking in front of this building and walking pretty much everywhere.
Motts, is it legal to walk the grounds here during the day?