5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

i noticed last night that most of the trees around 93 are bending in odd directions. i dont know crazy trees man.
i stole patient records from this building
I LOVE all of your photos because well lets say ive always loved creepy crap but this omg i love this and just saying but what ever is hanging off of the roof looks like someone is standing there and that......well that creeps me out!
Hmm. It kinda looks like there's someone standing stage left(right side of the stage from audience view). Like a shadow or something.
I love this photo.
The fog is so fitting.
this whole thing is now filled to the top with garbage
thats awesome
there's one<3
These rooms in kppc... theyre like sun rooms but the floors are in fine condition. i have to say that these rooms on the tiers of 93 are probably one of my top 5 places i have ever been. i dont know why. as weird as it sounds. these sun rooms amaze me.
I been in there Very very cool
This was Playground on the Sound. It was a Day Care for employees children. It really was very nice. I had my son there for a few years, as did many of my fellow employees. Prior to that I actually worked there when Geraldo Rivera blew the story up about Willowbrook and they transfered all the children to that building. It also at one time had a population of mentally retarded children. Funny-working there all those years, I didn't find it creepy at all.
walking the plank
12 floors 13 if u count the basement
My stomping grounds:) i love this place