5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

ur both wrong, its my socks
Splinter Cell !!!
in responce to kevin, that so sad... many people were forced to leave by the NAACP, they liked it there they didn't know any other place and were incapable of taking care of themselves.
i like this one, ths picture is off balence and its far away.. which is symbolic for the fact that its abandonded
again i must re comment on the fact that, NAACP closed it down because of one women being held there against her will because she said she liked being homeless .. soo the NAACP decided they should all have a choice, even though they shouldn't be trusted making decisions due to the fact that they are mentally ill. but regardless the NAACP closed them down saying they were unconsitutional to hold people or lock people up. nobody was tortured there ever.... if you were cold when you visited it, you probably should have worn a jacket.
um.. i am very upset about the dumb rumors about this place.. nobody was tortured in the basement and anywhere else... the NAACP closed the asylum down because it claimed it was unconsitional, and if the crazies wanted to be homeless they had that choice.
Darn, I was about to have lunch....
I think this photo is my all time favourite! It's just wonderfully amazing!
At first, I thought this was a window, then I realized it was the sunlight on the wall, coming through the window. Great shot, Motts.
why would one capitalize the S in see, but not the I at the beginning?
why are the colors of the doors on the left different from each other?
oh my god
Pepper Pot, you are too funny!
~Me, you might want her to have more protection than duct tape, if you know what ~I mean.