5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

Ok, everyone always says what they see in a picture, so now it's my turn. On the door, it looks like a person waving you in. The head is under the window, slightly to the right. It even looks like it has a text bubble that says "Peace" right above the head. Anyone else see this?
Dr. Sketch......paging Dr. Sketch....
Clean it up a little bit, and I'd live there. Around here you wouldn't even have to clean too much, just make sure the structure was sound, and people would pay $800+/month to live there!
It made me think some very wrong things too, but I bet you went a totally different direction than me...
But if this is for someone in a wheelchair, how would they reach above the mirror for soap? That's just cruel...
Oh, goodness! Thank you so much for the translations, Sketch! What would I do without you?!?! ;0)
I remember seeing a college scholarship for having the best duct tape prom outfits...hmmm. Didn't know that was still a big thing. I reckon we would have been shot if we came to our dances wearing ducktape gowns. No, it was more of who's got the most expensive designer gown? : /
I'll translate, I'm a doctor:
Great heavens! When you look at the photographs from this excursion at the beginning of the year there is a low quantity of damage done by ruffians to the morgue region. Compare this to currently, when there is a copious amount of damage done by these vandals! You cannot observe an area without it!
I just gotta say... Duct tape clothes are great until you have to take them off. Oh, the pain... It took over a year to grow all my hair back! Wait, what? You aren't supposed to tape them to yourself? Why didn't someone tell me that sooner....
Ok, now when I think "Asylum", this is what I think. Bright, stark white walls with long hallways. Not these calming colors that we've been seeing. I know that the image in my head doesn't match up with the reality, but that doesn't change it any...
LoL! Thank you so much for your 1800's persons's translation! I actually understand that! LoL! :0)
First on-topic comment!

Did they clean them out when this was in operation? I would imagine you wouldn't want something that flammable just SITTING on top of your buildings! Such a dangerous fire hazard... Was there a reason they built them like this? I would think you could build vent differently so they wouldn't clog up...
Everyone has their "favorite" shots, this is definitely one of mine! So beautiful!
Here, I think I can translate:
My good friends, I tell you truly that I myself was present at this complex on the prior Friday eve. The statue that Mr. Motts has showcased in this photograph was not present at the time of my visit! Truly, the stories regarding apparitions present at this building are incredible, if they may be believed.

Ok, I kinda channeled the ghost of an 1800's person there, but you get the drift...
I've never seen such a cool picture!