5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

I think it was just chipped away.
One time i was on top of 93 on that back ledge it must have been like 3 AM and there was so much fog but the fog was lower then the ledge so it was sick cuz there i was standing on the ledge above all this fog but i cud still see the water and conneticuit wit the lights it was sick....
When the buildings where first closed i know of some people who went in the building the first week and said they found tons of pills just left there....i cudnt believe the state just left all the medications there to be found by people like me..... thats like asking me to OD in a tunnel or sumthing-
Just cuz that is the way it grows if u follow all around the building u will find it creeping up in the corners and light post's it really adds to the sense of PSYCHO center
The grass is so green makes the quads looks sick specially right here where the fence parts cud have a sick Foot ball game here lol
This hallway is sick it comes up right from the main tunnel into building 42-if u take it all the way to the end u'll come to a patch of lockers with personal items and calendars with some cool stuff on it-
Really nice forced perspective
The wall was put up in the late 80's when they opened several wards in Bldg. 22 for younger, criminally insane patients.
It's a waterbug (a giant cockroach)
silkster40z, i'm blushin' now ;-)
Sorry for asking anything personal-like
hmm and i thought this abandoned mental hospital would have been occupied (lol)
Wow, this room got hit hard by water damage, now didn't it?
I have to say that Kings park is the place where I have seen the most extreme cases of water damage, peeling paint, etc.
My junior high-school had soap dispensers similair to that one, and I never knew how to work them on account of the bottley part being none-squishable.
I probably sound really stupid because I don't know how to work these little gems.
Haha, either way, if memory serves me correctly, the liquid soap usually put into these dispensers was pink, was it not?
If enyone has a good website on gurneys
please post here...

lets go skating =))