5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

The price tag is for all the large buildings remaining on the campus including 93, 7, 21 and 22, as well as the miles of steam tunnels, demolished buildings still underneath the ground, and old buried landfills.

The development plans fell through, the article can be found here: Bid to redevelop Kings Park Psychiatric Center scrapped
Nothing better than the dishroom on a hot summer day. At least this is a manual, the automatic dishwashers are horrible, because you don't have the break as each set is washed - it's constant hot plates. Looks like it's in pretty good condition, though.
80 million is ridiculous; it can be cleaned up for a lot less than that. The Book-Cadillac building in Detroit was projected at 150 mil for complete renovation, and that's a 1,000+ room hotel many times the size of this. If this building can't be rehabbed, it's because there's no demand for it, not because it can't be done.
Oh!! It looks like somebody built the poolhouse IN the pool!
It couldn't have been more than an inch or two...
How deep is that water?!
The facility is massive. It is so interesting. I would love to go in. I am assuming you have to sneak in or break in to go inside any of the buildings.
So would I! Stay away from there!
Hey! my uncle had to go here after he held like 6 ppl hostage in a breakdown type thing, He said it was scary as hell when he was there, Sadly he killed himself, he was a photographer, you would of liked him...
Hey guys! I am the one who wrote this poem on the wall of a first-story room in the front of Building 7 a few years ago. I have been exploring the Kings Park Psychiatric Center since I was 10 years ols in August of 1996. The campus itself had not closed until the following November. I must say that I am qualified to be considered an historian of this wonderful abandoned place, and can answer any questions you might have about it. Funny, I wrote this stanza on the wall in hopes that I would hear about it later, and it seems to have worked. Yes, it is written on another hospital wall elsewhere. I DO NOT condone the vandalism of this beautiful derelict campus. However, even Napoleon left his "tag" on the pyramids, and now that, too, is history. Long live the KPPC! -Brendyn Smyth
Literate vandals??? Is that POSSIBLE?!?!
; p
I've seen this same quote written on the wall in another psych hospital, I can't remember which though, I think it was in PA... kind of strange.
I love how such a huge building has such a small main entrance. My sliding glass door would have made a better one than that.
It would SO suck to think that in the afterlife I would be reduced to walking around some hospital I used to work in just because I had been a doc there and then have to endure a bunch of asshat ghost hunters who were unable to communicate with me because they had never learned how to use the English language so as to be understood by others. That WOULD be hell. >:-)
My friends were the ones that ran the firehoses throughout the building. It only took them 30 minutes a floor....Well they only did the 10th floor.