5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

it would never clog up ive been in there theres a little vent in the attic that leads to the top of that it actually very cool
Me and My crew threw all of the concrete slaps at the top of each roof flipped them over with a crow bar does massive damage specially to the roof below!
Me and my friends threw all those sinks off the roof mighty big bang
Is the X just graffiti? Or is there some other reason for it to be there?
Ah yes the wonderful education our children get at Kings Park High School (for those who dont know, KPHS is across the street from KPPC)
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We had cabinets just like these in my primary school. We kept our brollies and such in them. Its a bit creepy to see the same sorts of cabinets in a psych facility on a different continent. Of course this same school had inkwells in the desks, black out curtains, and a separate entrance for boys and girls. Rural villages aren't known for their up to the date renovations.
thats what the holes from concrete eyy
we were passing by but we got stopped by a cop and they said we had to leave. how do you get into the place? im curious.
i've heard it is actually possible to unplug some of the drains and i've heard of it being done but it always ends up plugged again, whether naturally or by someone.
it's odd how much stuff is left in these buildings...like nothing was taken at all when the hospital closed, they just up and left.
thats cuz u and ur freinds r idiots. if ur not there to vandalize and have no weapons, paint, etc, the worst that will happen is you will be escorted off the property. people like you are the reason places like this are under such tight security, ruining it for those of us who like to go in and explore the history of these places.
Me and my friends went their it is scary at night
I don't get it... Then again, I also just found this on Google...
sick basturds killed a innocent cat