5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

yup ... soap dispenser it is ...
I thik this would make a nice wallpaper, its a stunning building!

I'm so glad I stumbled upon this site, I visited once and nearly didnt come back, but I found it by accident in my history, so I came back and now you can't get rid of me!
If you use the dry powder ones outside in the wind they're evil! That stuff kills when you get it in your eyes! The foam and Co2 ones are fun though and water is good for soaking people!
Wow, I almost feel queazy (sp?) looking at this one, if you look at the bottom of the bar then follow it up you begin feeling dizzy! This is actually one of my favourites, I'm into the whole weird viewpoints theme at the moment since I've been helping a friend with his photography course.
Live, I had the same feeling, it looks so much like part of a set you'd see at films studio's, it took me a minute to work out what was going on. I know I've just got up but I'm not normally that bad!
Wow Fedz, u da man! i wanna be dere next time u smash sum shit up!

Because, then, I'd get to see who you really are, so I can see you cry like a little girl when you get arrested for vandalism, what a great photo that would make, I'm sure each and every member here would take great pleasure laughing at it. If that doesn't work, you could always "fall" off a roof.......
Doesn't look abandoned from this distance
The builders would have been disapointed I thought the supports were suposed to be the last thing to fall.
I love how the floors look when they rot out
Karin how old are you?
gotta love the gothic style architecture
realy cool
judging by the face of that cat, and the fact that it's in a coffee can, i think it is a kitten.
that's really sad. if this cat was born in that place, it has very little chance of survival. :( i want to save it.
Time warp?