I must also say that I am so happy to find the origin of the soap dispenser joke! I've been all through this site and am finally seeing it. I thought it would make a great light!
Just looking again at the pics of this hospital. I wanted to add my 2 cents to the discussion about placing children in institutions. In the 50's and 60's this was the NORM. If your child had a problem that is what the Dr told parents to do. Most parents signed over custody of the child to the county/state. It was not thought of as bad, it was just the way things were done then.
When I was in nursing school, I happened to be doing my maternity rotation when an infant with the brain outside of the skull was born. The baby had no normal reflexes and the baby Dr said it was nonviable. There was a seperate nursery where the infant was placed. The infant was NOT fed or given an IV. If I remember correctly it only lived a couple of days. The year 1970 It still haunts me with the question: Could anything have been done for that child. I have often thought of this situation. It still has the power to upset me. I wish the resources that are available now were available then.
Ive been dieing to go with my cuzin and a couple of friends i live in east northport so we wanna drive out this weekend or next weekend can anyone give me some tips for safty and tell me a way to get into building 93
you should pull out the drawers to see what's inside. I find that over the years papers and such tend to fall behind the drawers as they open and close and settle under the bottom drawer. an accidental time capsule of everyday life.
I wouldn't be a certified Mott's follower without leaving my mark on the infamous "soap dispenser" page. Sorta like kids carving their initials in a famous tree or something. Nevertheless, this is a magnificent shot. The green hues, the peeling paint, the decaying mirror & fixtures are stunning.
I was in these building s about 9 years ago, and they did' not look too bad some paint and minor maintence go's a long way, a care taker would have been a good idea, there are so many people that need housing and all these buildings just sitting there, rotting ! what a waste,..
This year in 2011,i ran across this site as i wuz studying morgues,is this building,referring to 7,still standing? And if it is,can you upload more recent pics Motts cuz u have done the most amazing job at capturing the remnants of this place
I've been searching in bing for some items and fortuitously found your www.opacity.us site. I'm so amazed by your way of thinking and writing. Have you thought about writing a book?