5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

These kinds of pictures really tend to evoke a lot of emotions.
It kind of describes Gacy.
It's my belief that part of the person who slept in the bed stays in the bed.I remember going on a scout camp when i was a kid and as i walked into the large 30 plus beds bedroom i had a really creepy feeling that i still remember today,and that was 30 plus years ago .DG...
It's all been said i hate clowns they give me the heeby jeebys i think alot of them are kiddy fiddlers or just straight up weirdo's sorry to those clowns that read this who are in it for good reasons but the others they know who they are are pure evil :{.... you'll get yours in hell scarey clowns.....
Hi - As far as electroshock treatnent still being used today, it is totally different. The voltages applied are minute compared to the tortuous amounts applied in the old days. Nonetheless I am very skeptical as to how beneficial such a simple and somewhat barbaric an idea like electroshock is. I happen to be a depressive and am treated quite successfully with modern meds. I would NEVER allow myself to be subjevted to any shock therapy under any circumstances.
Wow, I'd love to see that photo!
The way the windows open, tilted like that, really adds to the whole..demented feel..it gets rid of your sense of balance
I like how the hall is illuminated while the doors look all ominous and dark.
This picture is nice. It's only a book until you look closer, and then you see the age and the..cobwebs?
my grandmother has a picture of this when it was completley covering the wall.. it was a very pretty wall paper for a physicatric facililty
my grandmother worked here as a nurse in the 50s. She said that this whole place was amazing... when ever i see a picture i just try and imagine it like it was still working... it must have been amazing.
This place is welded shut, they didnt miss a spot! Its patrolled by state park rangers and the actual NY police. I just got back today and was almost arrested. We got in thru a single broken window with maybe a square foot to squeeze thru but someone saw us in the area. You can walk around the perimiter of the fence without anyone saying a word. 93 is a wonder to see!
It never surprises me the depth of human depravity we can find in the world if we stop just passing by.
building 93 looks gorges on the outside. It should be renovated it would make a great hotel or school or homeless shelter.
I love older buildings but this buildings beyond repair and should be demolished its a death trap. its sad to see this building like this. its too little to late to save it. the longer buildings set with out maintence being kept up on them the worse they get each day.