5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

Such a beautiful pic, such a shame to see such an extraoridinary place go to waste.
This just makes me remember that 'hospital smell'.
I wonder if it still smells like that or not?
This looks exactly like my old school!
This is so incredibly gorgeous, Motts. Much love for it.
damn its crazy how vandalized it is now
this floor is weird to walk on. feels like your going to fall through the floor
this is definently one of the best you got on kppc
i was in 39 at night last year and a racoon jumped outa nowhere. scared the shit outve us.
Around 99 or 2000 I went to the tunnels. In my opinion it was the least touched or valdalized of all the places. The tunnels went on for MILES literally. We walked them for hours. They got narrow, some were flooded and tight, and others went off into dead ends. We got so deep there were newspapers on the floor dating back to the 60's.. untouched.
nice pool
I went walking by here once, around Christmas time, and believe it or not some kids had strung a wreath up on one of the tiers. Quite interesting
Autoclaves do more than sanitize they sterilize by steam under pressure. They are are made of steel. I was an OR nurse in the Army Nurse Corps and used various sizes of autoclaves.
If you had long hours one could pressure cook a nice meal (potatoes and corn on the cob were quite tasty).
these aren't transformers it's a MCC (motor control center) lineup and I'd venture to guess that if you opened them up and played tag with the wires you might look like the kitty cat in the drawer.
i doubt kppc nugz did anything people would come running fast and it could damage it but turning it off is like turning off a switch on is alittle more complicated
this picture scared me i thaught it was a dead person at first i was like arrggghhhhh