82 Comments for The Recordação

i cant even...
Thanks Motts.
Was there a fire at sometime or did Jaws get a hold of the bow?
Oh wow!
Yes Mica
I was trimming my oak tree and it had this kind of mold on it.
I like the graffiti that we can see in the above deck — "Life's a Bitch."

A sentiment that is the same in any country, regardless of the language.
The ropes were fastened on both ends with a large sag in the middle; when you put your foot in that sag and pushed off, it acted like a swing which kicked your leg up and out from under you. Would've been much easier to go up with only one end tied, maybe some with some knots... although maybe there's some Portuguese climbing methodology I wasn't aware of!
Now, I am curious about "weirdly tied"
Arrg - The seventies were cruel to the seat though
Yes how beautiful. Caloplaca marina, it is crutose; it will never come off. She is vivid.
It is always such a heartbreaking forlorn look a shipwreck stranded on the beach
Motts this is really a nice vaca spot thanx
Thanks for this gallery!