106 Comments for Westinghouse Atom Smasher

wow.. that is stunning!
Beautifully shot. Thank you!
Interesting that the 'bulb' has an egg-like shape, per the research of Viktor Schauberger.
Never saw anything like this before. Love this site for the great pictures and the stuff that I learn.
Thanks for this gallery Mr. Motts, very fascinating.
Wow.!! and thanks for the wallpaper!
Well said, eldokid.
Wow. Amazing shot of curves and colour. Wallpaper?
Interesting photo. Thanks for the descriptive text.
Wonderful, a new gallery. An interesting topic, I've never heard of an atom smasher.
I believe these kinds of generators are still used in some particle physics research, electrostatic education, and to power high energy X-ray machines. Some modifications to the design have allowed them to supply more power (ie. pelletrons) and are used in pharmaceutical research, nuclear research, and mass spectrometers for carbon dating. Modern particle research, such as quantum mechanics, requires much larger and more powerful accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
So...why don't we use technology like this today??
Well huh, I was thinking it would say this over the portal:

Abandon hope, all who enter
It all looks very Marvin the Martian
The sad fate of Lightbulb Boy, was that he was unable to exit the building in one piece. . .