240 Comments for Ravenwood Castle

Yes - this whole building event is sadness. Storage all they needed safe fr.o.m. Rats & mice.
OK that view is of the outside of the room at the top of the stairs with the glass blocks "Reflecting Room"
Just the thought of all the broken bones I would get falling down those stairs, makes me want to take a bunch of Dilauded right away.LOL)
Is that your signature "Lonely Chair" shot?LOL)
I live in a 117+ year old Victorian home, and mine has a few of those old push button light switches.
Thank you so much. Thoroughly enjoyed.Very beautiful & precious pictures and all - the idea....
and firmly believe could be put back in order and to be happily lived in /this time/ - this building seems to have a good watching warden caretaker as not thrashed nor full of scribble graffiti.
Imagine, - Binky - if there would have been a lamp here????????? Imminent collapse, probably. It is absolutely BEAUTIFUL as IS
- `bring ANYTHING and will cook it´ they said.
A wonderful kitchen. THAT SINK.......would love to have.
Y E S!
Wish to preserve & save...please...please....very good looking.
Aha - there ARE windows. Thanks. Is precious. Is it marble? It is so white.
All arches + everywhere was the idea and very beautiful too -
Every little detail.....
Skilled Iron Work. Is still good. How was it done? Just Fine Rust.
The Three Hinges - they are everywhere. Big toilet space - with a window - that´s great! And the beautiful arched doors.
This PLACE.........