240 Comments for Ravenwood Castle

Once again, thank you for a journey back in time with your great photos.
Be well Mr. Motts!
That stove is incredible!! Is that a butlers pantry behind the door?
I would love to have a kitchen like this!!
Nice view of the little tower in the garden.
Oh-oh/ A little water damage. Doesn't look to bad though.
It certainly could be repaired. I can picture in my mind the rooms
cleaned up and furnished with antiques and tapestries. It would be
This is awesome! Perhaps the false door frame was meant to have
some sort of statuary on a pedestal in front of it to offset the fireplace.
Really beautiful craftsmanship! I agree eldokid. It does have a church-
like quality.
I can't believe someone hasn't come around to salvage this place.
It's such a waste to let this wonderful architecture just sit and rot.
I would buy this in a heartbeat if i could afford it. Maybe I will win
the lottery.... :-)
It was very difficult to track down what happened after the owner died. I read about rumors of a caretaker living there for some years, but what happened to all the furnishing is a mystery.
Nah, but I don't really give those beliefs much credence so I'm pretty biased. There are places where just, god-awful horrors happened to thousands of people, but once they get turned into condos or malls, no one seems to complain.
How very cool it would be to live in your own castle!!
Thanks for the new gallery Mr. Motts!
I for one am glad you keep some of these places secretive. For some like Kings Park it's just too late but for others it will help keep the A-holes from going there and smashing everything in sight.
Mr. Motts, what happened to all the furniture and belongings that were moved here, were they stolen or sold off? What a time capsule this would be if everything was still there but protected against the thieves.
I think once a fire was built in this thing, they just kept it going from day to day, cleaned out the ash and fed it new fuel whether wood or coal.
I think it's perfect just the way it is -
I love windows with deep window sills like this.
Nothing a little Pine Sol can't cure!