Thanx for another great gallery, motts!
If you were good, they gave you the tubing after wards
I guess a few people fell in the douches room. Wounder what happen to the people who liked it?
autoguy, This is for stimulating the body, it can loosen things internally and otherwise have a therapeutic effect. They probably just ran it over an area generally.
I think it looks like a light shade.
autoguy, Taking a guess it probably draws the red cells out of the serum. IDK if they had centrifuges at the time.
From a search for 'SST Gel and Clot Activator'. Apparently it is still for sale $58.95 100 tubes
BD Vacutainer SST Tubes contain spray-coated silica to aid in clotting and a polymer gel for serum separation. BD Vacutainer SST Tubes contain spray-coated silica to aid in clotting and a polymer gel for serum separation. Gold top. Plastic. 13 x 100. 5.0 ml.
Sorry I hit the shift key that should be an = not a +
Douche + shower
Yeah I would have liked to see more of the buildings (or what's left of them) but nice set Motts...on to the next
This is what the zombies that roam this place use to mix up their human victims
Whatever kind of chair it is it certainly doesn't look comfy. It reminds me of a kiddie ride where people sat and you spun that center piece and it made the whole seat go around.
Lol, Auto, you and that douche room, haha
I laughed when I read the word "ouches" too. I knew the D was missing but it sounded funny, lol
Lol, electroshock therapy wasn't mentioned Autoguy ;)
Yeah, not liking that idea of dipping in cold water, eek!