140 Comments for St. Alphonsus Hall

An interesting thought. There surely was graffiti in ancient Rome; much has been found in the preserved ruins of Pompeii. I think some of the remarks parallel with the writings found scrawled on walls in modern times: http://www.pompeiana.o...ces/Ancient/Graffiti from Pompeii.htm

It does seem like these marks were located in public spaces such as bathrooms and stairwells. One could argue that most graffiti is meant to be seen and read - perhaps older civilizations felt putting it in an abandoned place seen by few didn't make much sense.

I think another factor is the effort - the materials and process of painting or etching would make graffiti a somewhat laborious process before the advent of the aerosol can in 1949.
I didn't see the lid for the piano laying around anywhere, but who knows!

The paperwork was primarily many copies of the programming for a play (in next photo).
Thank you, your photos are so oooo good. Thank you very much.
Rub that beautiful piece down with some pumice and it will be as good as new.
Interesting paper laying around, was it sheet music or programs?
Back where you were standing, is that what they call the "cheap seats?" Don't think I would enjoy the show from back there.
Interesting illustration.
That would have given me a heart attack, had I not known it was there and saw it out of the corner of my eye.
I'm surprised no one had already broken the mirror at this point.
In seeing this I wonder, after the fall of Rome, were the great structures of the city covered in the Roman equivalent of graffiti, or were they more civilized than that?
When a store I worked at in the 70s was "remodeling", they were going to take the huge transom that was over the entrance and toss it in the dumpster. It was all carved and frosted glass with the street number in the center of it. Absolutely beautiful. I couldn't see that tossed so I asked if I could purchase it and the owner gave it to me! Weighed a ton, but I got that thing home!
OMG I hope someone was able to save that mirror. I for one would love to have that.
Gorgeous! Is that where the light hung that fell?
Did you look inside? Was there a date anywhere?
I hate to see musical instruments neglected like this. This one doesn't look too far gone if someone was able to save it. Was the top still around?