140 Comments for St. Alphonsus Hall

Not only a play..but also a cabaret, singing, dancing and refreshments! Us Catholics like to party! :)
What's up with the light bulbs or lights strung up on wire?
You certainly don't see details like that lovely cast iron decor on seats today!
I don't think that's Rubble.

It's Rox.
I saw this and thought of the Phantom of the Opera when the chandelier falls. I haven't been on in quite some time and was glad to see that there were so many more pictures added in my absence.
Love seeing this part. Was a music/theater major in college and this place has an amazing amount of "stuff".
The picture I have been waiting for. Magnificent. And all gone. Such a shame. Thank you for giving us this view.
Jim C there is a theater in Cleveland OH that has been restored. It has seating like this that obscures some of the top of the arch. When we got tickets to see Phantom of the Opera the seats under the balcony were called restricted vision and were, indeed, cheaper.
Wow that ceiling is really beautiful. Such a shame that it was destroyed. I can't imagine there is a way to remove plaster of this type without ruining it. I also love the leaded glass windows that still remain. Mica thanks for pointing out the chandelier.
Thank you, Mr. Motts! Am in awe at this find. Also.
Concur with all above. Thanks for the link too.
The work you do...well....it is invaluable+priceless -
this now gone and stripped.
May you always be well + with great success.
The chandelier looks a bit like a dead octopus. Amazing gallery thank you so much. I can't wait for the next one.
You are topping yourself, Mr. Motts - from one amazing photo to the next. I hope this statue was salvaged and is happy somewhere else.
Bright, sharp and clear - a fantastic photo of the rigging, probably historic. Lots of interesting things to see here.
Stunning leaded glass window here too. The photos are so bright, I guess it wasn't pitch dark in there. Good for you eldokid to save a lovely window.
Look at the amazingly-shaped windows over the three doors - and they look like they are leaded too.