213 Comments for Salem Jail

I like the lightning in this picture somehow...
flushed, I'm surrprised to read that prisoners are given cloth that can be torn into "ropes" and hung up somewhere... I mean, one could easily hang himself with these ropes!
Did they keep the cemetary or move it elsewhere? And what is with that weird hole in the wall on the building? It is like it has a ribcage of metal.
That copper and railing up there reminds me of a steamboat smokestack. Odd connection yes, but it is what I see.
I want to assume that the J8J3 means 1813. But of so, why substitute the number 1 with the letter J?
When your security has gotten a little overboard....it is like the locks you see on a paranoid person's door.
This room has some weird perspective going on. More so than an Escher painting. And what is with the placement of that dial back there? Doesn't look safe to reach.
All that peely paint...what a toxic lead based nightmare. And seems like they had painted over those controls at some point, or that they were painted but functional.
Those levers look like someone jammed hockey sticks into the slots
Well...so much for my earlier comment. Least it is a tiny one and not full sized
Either the cell doors are covering them or they are located somewhere else, but I don't see the recessed keyholes on these cells.
Well, whatever was on must have really peeved them off
Somebody really wanted to get into that room, judging by the destruction to the door.
Between the odd locks and the hallway facing windows (which judging by the openings were to deliver food to the inmates), this sure is a strange place, like a prototype of a prison that actually housed inmates.
I do't know which strikes me as more odd: the window looking out into the building, the sealed up doorway that could have led to another cell, or that god awful shade of yellow they painted the walls with.