213 Comments for Salem Jail

YES! Cool picture - and thank you so much for the one after renovation; brick wall is very pretty.
Jesus HELP...The Cross touched and blurred
And a string to hang something....
YAY - a new gallery - a jail!
Thank you so much; for the info + link too.
Googel Earth has Street View, matching the historical picture perfectly.
Promising Lavender....
Your infrared shots are some of my favorites. What a gorgeous place!
Loving the array of different locks.
Those are some seriously old school desks. Way cool.
Wow!! Fucking awesome!
What an interesting color choice. I've never seen such a shade used in a facility like this.
Yesss, new photo set!
This shot is perfect. Could you still read any of the inscriptions on the stones?
And still relatively sound and intact.
Wow those were built to last. And peely paint too.
Those odd locks sure do stand out. Strange system to us now.
Did this have some special meaning? There was on tied on the bedframe photo too.