473 Comments for Ospedale Bartolini

This was such a different gallery. Very enjoyable! I enjoyed my mini vacation.
The signage on the wall fits perfectly.
This room is unsafe, as it has been coned off.
That chair isn't lonely - he brought all his friends.
Very clean room & so are the lockers too.
Pull up a chair & stay awhile.
Very apt, descriptive title. You have a way with words Sir Motts.
Odd. I would love to find a photo of this place before it was abandoned to see what that was.
New soap dispensers?
Amazing that none of this stuff is smashed.
Oh AWESOME!!!!! Staircases are my favorite things!
They do indeed.
Beds must have been pretty close together.
I do too & this would be another good pick for a wallpaper image from this place.
Quite a collection of doors here! Don't know if you are coming or going.