660 Comments for Manicomio Montedale

Tyylikkääksi rakennettu tila, johon kokee varmasti olevansa tervetullut. :)
I have enjoyed each of the photos, especially the one with the socks. A pleasure to look at. Very human. You are a star!
I don't know a lot about the lemon juice wish I would of 20 years ago when they took my gallbladder. I had a 10 pound 2 foot baby and gallstones were the biggest nightmare ive ever felt!!!....And I agree it would be super hard not to snatch stuff up sometimes!.....My biology professor told me that not having a gallbladder takes like 10 years off my life however im not a drinker or fatty food eater so he can shut it hahahahaha....
AWESOME observation Williewonks!!!!!!! wow......that's deep sugar.......
OMG you're right they are looking everywhere but the tubs!!!! woah AWESOME observation Williewonks!!!!!
That is weird and I never remember which locations I leave messages however do you think they the construction folks may have put them there for safety? I don't know because y"all are right it is weird.
Larry D..Okay. I totally laughed out loud at your comment, and I'm at work!
I just gotta say, I've been following you since 2006/2007 and you really got me into photographing and learning about state hospitals and the like. I love looking at the architecture of buildings with age as well as the items you come across that can be as old as when the building closed, as you know. After looking at some of these galleries from other countries outside the US, you have definitely lived the life so far. Keep doing this as long as you can!
Not necessarily, it could have simply been a part of the resources were acquired or donated to the hospital. Some patients may also have had a mentality closer to that of a child rather than an adult, and so reading material like this might be appropriate to include on the ward.
A wonderfully long gallery, and I loved every minute of it, Motts! Thanks!
Hard to say really, other than a communal space; there wasn't much evidence left behind, and I really don't know how a typical Italian psychiatric hospital operated.
String Man seems to be à man of many creative artistic talents!
Motts, your photos actually are à commentary on this portion of String Man's life. We have been able to learn so much about him through the lenses of your cameras, even tho he may no longer be there at the hospital in person. Thanks for giving us so much insight into this unique person!
I believe most of it was addressed to one person, but I can't say for certain if that is the case or even if was his name.
Well, you people do know don't you that many people with mental illnesses do self-medicate? Especially if they're not on medication or medication is not available to them for whatever reason.