577 Comments for Manicomio Frigerio

The multi-paned windows are soooo cool. The window in the foreground appears to be a door?
This is really pretty, Motts. I bet it had a wet and fresh aroma. The statue of the Virgin Mary looks a little bit different than the usual. Did the plaques say anything you could read? Dedications?
Round windows. Can't sit in a corner in them.
Sezione = Zombie?
See, the amazing thing about this it that it is 50' underground, and that ambient light is one of Mott's minions running down the hall with a bic lighter in a timelapse..

Oh, and that picture of Stalin in black mold on the ceiling.
I agree with Binky. More horrifying than any old rotten structure. Gads.
What the hell? It is one thing to squat, but clean up your damn mess.

The little headboards are cute though.
! no way, one cool doorway with nice tiles does not make up for the rest of the lackings.

OK, the incredibly tall archways and hallways are also totes cool, so it's like building to building, but the word amazing should be reserved for stuff that really is uber-cool.

I should go now...
Sluice. Even the stands and pipes seem creepy. Just think of the old autopsies, without the sluice. eeew.
I'm o.k. with fourth. I am usually the last one. As ususal.

Great gallery again. I am also amazed at how large they were. This place had it all. Very self-sufficient.

This crypt area seems very odd and modern. Is this little building inside the building the cooler of which you speak?
Funky Futon of Fail?

The cabinetes are totally cool
Darkness, mold, awesome pearlescence of the linolium walls, second the emotion.

Looks like someone was collecting something on the floor.

Florescent lights, why?
Oh come on, someone, Beuller?

Staircase, craftmanship, don't make 'em like that, someone?


Nope, nope, nope, not near goth enough.
Wow, that is the definition of assaulted
Zombie Juice!