362 Comments for Sankt Marien Heilstätte

I highly doubt that lobotomies were performed in this hospital, as far as I know about the history of this beautiful building and architectural landmark.
In his last days this hospital served for heart and lung deseases.

And by the way this room has more the size of a thoracic surgery operation theatre.
Lobotomies were mostly performed in much smaller rooms.
The expert master builders of these times could not ever be replicated !
I agree black and white restores what little is left of the past .......................................................................................................................................................................................................
Truth be told i would love to see it restored to its former glory !
The entire place will one day be scrapped by recyclers once they can move on it when the owners are not looking ,And i cannot blame them this post victorianesque goldmine is ripe !
Please send me those fixtures all of them !
Gas lighting converted to electric and the architecture 18th century as said strip the wood board and convert this rock solid historical place into somethng useful ?
Post Soviet rot is the norm for anything once beautiful exposed to Eastern influence .........
Unfortunately autoguy is right, This was an early industrial age lobotomy procedure room .
A place where such a prehistoric practice has not been entirely outlawed in some parts of the world where some Doctors can satisfy penchants for resulting behavioural attributes in patients post operational which were their only reason for the splice cut and removal of regions of the limbic systems which left the patients uncaring of survival at all and semi comatose where as before they were at least human !
This would be an interesting locale for a PPV set up and i would try silverplate flash frame photos instead of video for like white noise the secret to seeing the dimensional would be an ancient practice of flash silverplate technique i would bargain !
It would be inspiring to see this entire facility restored to its former grandeur !
They must have gotten a good deal on those ugly ass light fixtures!
It looks like the big arch was bricked up. I am sure many arches were lowered to conserve heat. The smaller arch looks like it works with the downward flow of the staircase. Only Motts knows if the stairs had arches all along them.
Dig those wagon wheel light fixtures. Ye haw.
omg it is so beautiful
Boy, oh boy, how much would I enjoy having a look in the space between the two ceilings. I can just imagine how many items have been discarded up there through the years.
I took a photo of the very same window when I was there. It is still amazing.