193 Comments for Diamant Brauerei

looks like something out of Platos Retreat...lol..the tub or vat...
Hey I always like upgrading my tires...=)
there goes the fan theory.
Are any of those 15's ? they are getting so hard to find these days
This place was clearly attacked by zombies. See the empty zombie apocalypse survival ration cans in the corner of the zombie shelter?
i'm just going to put failed triforce out there. giant rats have difficulty with making triangles.
Lagers were aged in these cool tunnels for a couple months or more, plus general storage of beer to keep it all cool. Ideal lagering cellars would stay in the range of 50 to 60 degrees F all the time.
It's the Soylent Green processing tank.
I'll guess giant drunken rats.
Zombies now, absolutely. The cellar network is for aging the lager in a cool steady temperature. All large old school breweries had such cellars.
@ Binky - This is Magdeburg, Germany. I've lived there for 26 years and there was never an earthquake in this area.
I often looked at its towers when I was going or driving by ... Wonderful to see it here! I love this building.
I agree with Larry D. I've seen other sites with similar content but they don't have the class this one does. The brilliant photos, the history and of course our comments all come together to make as Larry D said, the Gold Standard. This is why I keep coming back here every day. Thank you!!
For some reason, this image gives me the feeling of being in the bowels of a great ocean liner -
Looks like our parking garage -
Maybe it's one of those Triffids that will uproot itself and slither after you!