832 Comments for Westport Generating Station

entrance to the Bat Cave?
Another fine job! Thanks for preserving these memories!
You know, I have 8x10 glossies of an old bottling plant that was in business locally, circa 1910 or so, and the lack of guarding was appalling, large flywheels moving with no guarding, open holes where a lift went thru, leather belts running off an overhead shaft,etc., and young boys of about 12 yrs of age working.
Just think, most of these controls you see have been replaced by a PLC control or a computer program.
Almost makes you think the door is red hot, don't you think?
Great colors,the blue and the grey,kinda reminds you of the Civil War?
Once upon a time in this country, the casting of iron goods was an art form, because while technology was expensive, labor was cheap. Now it is just the opposite, it simply costs too much to design and cast utilitarian items like a valve wheel. I don't know that anybody actually makes an item like this today in the U.S. All made in PRC, I'm afraid. Not trying to be a buzzkill, but it makes me sad that we are no longer the world's workshop.
Break time!
Look to be manhole covers.
Maybe gravity, plus the grated floors which allow things to fall thru?
It is a big deal if you have ever seen someone die from mesothelioma.
It's just the way of history, plus the building matl's can be recycled etc. Better that Motts , et.al, preserve the memories thru the wonderful pictures so that all can see!
Yes, I'd like to know also. We can see but we can't smell or hear. Did it smell, and were there any noises?
Very good point, Vacant NJ. I hadn't noticed it until I read your comment. Thanks. You're right. Amazing blues and greens also.