1,256 Comments for Foxboro State Hospital

NOT a good discovery to make on a rain-swept night at 4 a.m. in a drunken haze, eh? ;-)
There were some large cupolas on the now-demolished *twin cathedrals* at Byberry. A drunken friend and I went to try to climb up to one during a rainstorm at 4 in the morning only to find them "floorless". It seems they were only decorative steam vent enclosures. From the ground they looked like gazebos.
Dude, half of Byberry is falling down around our ears and we still keep going!
Bravery, stupity, or a mix of the two....you decide.
wow... looks dangerous!
still an interesting shot .
Totally amazing!
Motts, you said security was driving around furiously... did they know you were in there?
wow, lots of them!
yeah, it looks almost perfect.
I love your starcase shots!
well.... on second thought......
Great Old Bathtub - I want that one in my house.
I love this pic!
OMG - Now THATS scary. I'm not sure I could have walked past that door!
You should earn an award for this one!
Subtle beautiful eerieness.
Nicely lit space, warm suds, back to the door... Uh oh... enter Chucky!